Thursday, July 16, 2009

As the Worlds Fight on

As the Worlds Fight on

The battle for life has ended
The earth retrieves its dulcet tones
Gently pleasing, harmonious to the broken chords of the heart
Interspersing, breaking every dead cell to pieces and creating anew
The machinations of a dreadful earth its new tones.
The behavioral changes of the old being in search of its lost glory, its old song
Laughing, crying like a madman in that hodgepodge
I wonder what the new earth thinks, what does it say to the old one
The glory of an archangel reigns while old fades to oblivion
Many a time the crooked path stops to think afresh the old vague judgments
The irreparableness of some mystified melody
The scalded dust blind vision, the sparkled ripples dumbfound
Old and new clash and fight, the lost battle starts anew
Clanging amours in soot stain, the ominous liquid drowns the race
The venom evaporates to the mighty blue, still the clanging swords continue
Many die, many wither, and many drop dead and suffer
The old paean sings in the background like some rotten cadaver
Oh what does the world have to give but full blossomed daisies to me
An apprehension or a consolation of the natural ways
As the atmosphere reek with effluvium and the rose buds dies an untimely death
The old world seeks renewal of its black-golden aura, the fight continues
The desolate plot sadly awaits an arrival. The derelict earths fight on.
Rubble unite the horizon in peace, the wingless dove’s emerald twig is missing
The broad galaxy stares at the bloody Nile. The impaled earth’s injuries suffer
Broken bones, throbbing wounds, and rotten spirits are everywhere.
As the Creator and The Creation fight to survive, the last deluge overflows the seas
A new tsunami unveils its face; a new battle is fought again.